Theoretical and Experimental Study For Laminar Forced Convection Heat Transfer Through Acicular Cross Section Channel and Heated Under Constant Heat Flux

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Atalah Hussain Jasim


This research concerned with theoretical and experimental study of forced convection through circular cross section channel that is horizontally arranged and heated under constant heat flux. The theoretical part delt with numerical solution for momentum equation of one dimension and energy equation of tow dimension by used of finite difference at variable grid size in vertical direction at gradient pressure between (103-106) The energy equation used implicit method and marching process to find the value and distribution of temperature through this channel. This model have been compared with another that have variable permeability and porosity and show that the change in permeability and channeling phenomena have significant effect on increase of rate of heat transfer and also increase in Nusselt number to 30% and also show show that the increase in gradient pressure is variant with rate of heat transfer ,but this variant disappear in thermal fully develop region. In experimental part testes was carried out for three value of Peclet numbers (17,25,40) with change of amount of power supply for each number. The results show hat the increase rate of heat transfer cause increase of Nusselt number and also show good agreement between theoretical and experimental results especially at low Nusselt number and also show there is deviation of experiential result from the theoretical result at high Nusselt number about 20%.


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