Transient Forced Convection Laminar Heat Transfer for Tube Filled With Porous Media in the Entrance Region

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Atalah H. Jasim
Tahseen A. Tahseen
Sherzad M. Ali


A theoretical study was carried out for transient heat transfer forced convection through horizontal tube filled with porous media. All the properties of the porous media are assumed to be constant in both the radial and axial directions. The governing equations are momentum and energy equation. These were formulated in using polar coordinates system. The results obtained are for three values of the effective Prandtl numbers and dimensionless pressure gradients. Theses gradient are (0.1,0.3,0.9) Pre ,(103 ,104 ,105 )B. The study proved that the thickness of the thermal boundary layer and its length depend on the parameter (B) and the effective Prandtl number. The thickness of the thermal boundary layer began with an increase starting from the front edge (inter section) until the thickness becomes equal to the radius of tube. The increase in Prandtl number gives an increase in the thickness of the thermal boundary layer for the same pressure gradient.


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