An Experimental Study to Shaw the Effect of Capillary Tube – Suction Line Heat Exchanger on Refrigeration System Performance
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An experimental study was investigated to show the effect of heat exchangers of capillary tube with suction line on compression refrigeration system performance which work on R-134a as refrigerant. Three types of heat exchangers (Coil, Concentric, Lateral) with capillary tube where made to use in refrigeration system. The experimental setup is measured for various volumetric flow rates for refrigerant, different air speeds for evaporator. So iterative method to find the actual process in capillary tube - suction line heat exchanger. The experimental results showed that at low refrigerant flow rate 15kg/hr, the maximum coefficient of performance for lateral heat exchanger which was 2.992 and minimum coefficient of performance for coil heat exchanger which was 2.876. While in case of high refrigerant flow rate 22.5kg/hr, the maximum COP for coil heat exchanger was 3.6, which was the highest value for all heat exchangers using in the system.
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