Broadband Subcarrier Signals Based on AWG-RoF Network: A Software Simulation

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Mshari Aead Asker
Essa Ibrahim Essa
Ihsan H. Abdulqadder


Radio-over-fiber is emerging as a progressively significant technology within the wireless in-building market. Identifying dynamic range requirements and determining the optimal laser option is crucial for this particular application. Hence, this study introduces a revolutionary architecture for the array waveguide grating multiplexer (AWG) that utilizes switched radio over fiber technology, offering significant system design, installation, and operation advantages. Prospective developments encompass applying AWG-RoF conveyance to facilitate expected pivotal technologies for future mobile systems, including millimeter-wave transmission and enormous MIMO. The output power ranged between (19.983dBm) and (12.431dBm), the average received noise power (dBm) was (17.117), and the average received power was (17.2425dBm). The simulation demonstrated favorable outcomes, including enhanced bandwidth and transmission range, while experiencing negligible losses.


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